Friday, January 1, 2016


January 1, 2016

December has been rather unusual weather wise this year.  We have experienced unseasonably warm temperatures right up to New Years Day, 2016.  The temperatures are becoming more seasonable now (Jan 1).

And it's time to start thinking about getting out of here and further South for a couple of months.

On December 30, Clara went out with me on the boat to see if there are still some bluefish around.  It was a comfortable 74+ degrees and I took my coat off.  Hard to believe for this time of year. We caught enough for another delicious dinner.  We have both come to the conclusion that, although a lot of people don't like bluefish to eat, we find it to be one of the best fish in the ocean - if it's prepared correctly.  And Clara knows how to do it right.

Christmas week, we went to Nashville to spend a few days with Dad and give Anthony a chance to take some time off (he went hiking in Western North Carolina with friends).

We continue celebrating Dad's milestone of being 100 years old.  He continues to amaze everyone with his physical and mental capacities.  This is his 100th Christmas celebration.  Not many people experience that.

On Christmas day we drove up to Cary to spend the day with the kids.

Our beautiful grandchildren.
After Christmas dinner!
Anna and her new tootoo
Papa with Anna's new tootoo (I didn't really put it on)
I made a book celebrating Dad's 100 years for all of the Grandchildren.  Anna and Evan asked Dad to sign their copies.  Dad has a beautiful cursive signature and I think that we will all appreciate it many years from now when no one knows how to read or write cursive (it is not taught in the Wake County schools)

Evan and Candace enjoy Evan's new Eno hammock
2015 has been a year of medical challenges for Clara.  She broke three ribs in February and has struggled all this year hoping they would heal.  In spite of these challenges, we have had another good year.  Some of the highlights:
  • We spent a good part of last winter in Florida.
  • We traded motor homes and now have and now have what we consider our ultimate way to travel.
  • We went to the reunion at Wright Patterson AFB of B-52 crews that flew in Vietnam
  • Anna was selected from here school class to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
  • We had a great summer with the grandkids who stayed with us a few weeks.
    • They attended a great Sail Camp while here
  • Dylan and friends spent a memorable week at the Lantz's home and we were included in the fun.
  • We had a great visit with members of Slade's work team
  • We renewed acquaintances with some of Clara's family we hadn't seen in years.
  • We celebrated Dad's 100th birthday
  • Our neighbors here in Beaufort joined together for a memorable Christmas Flotilla on Eureka
  • And we are both blessed with relatively good health (and healing)

Christmas Flotilla

December 5

Jean mentioned several weeks ago that she and a neighbor were going to enter a small boat in the annual Christmas Flotilla sponsored by the Friends of the NC Maritime Museum.

Realizing that they were probably in over their head with the small boat they proposed to decorate, I offered Eureka for their project.

They bought about a 1000 feet of Christmas lights and last weekend we all went out to the boat and decorated it.

Friday, we moved the boat over to the Morehead City Waterfront where the parade starts.

and Saturday, about 10 neighbors gathered for the big parade.

Most of the boats were decorated beautifully with all types of designs.  We didn't expect to win any prizes - and we didn't, but we sure had a great time.

Eureka on the Beaufort docks after the parade
I've only gotten one picture of Eureka in the parade.

Sunday, after taking down all the decorations, Jennifer, Clara and Jack joined me for a beautiful offshore sail before taking Eureka back to the dock.

Jack takes the helm

Jennifer and Jack enjoy the sail.