Before entering Phase III, the Carteret County EDC Board, Advisory Committee and Foundation gathered at Doug Brady's home for a "going away" party and presented me a surprise.
This has captured the essence of our love of Carteret County - Cape Lookout and Sailing on Eureka.
On the final day of Phase II, I left the office at 11:00 and we left Belle Air Street at 11:45 - headed to Raleigh to pick up our RV which has had the carpet replaced at the dealer.
We picked up the RV and went to Lake Jordan to spend the night at Windswept Campground. Slade brought Anna and Evan out to the RV to spend the night. He brought supper. We enjoyed a great evening with the kids.
Saturday morning, I brought out the Bow Psaltry. Clara surprised me with it as a retirement gift. I had seen one at The Orchard in Spruce Pine a couple years earlier and thought that I might be able to learn to play it. I can't play anything else, so just maybe ---.
Anna and Evan were very interested in it. Evan seemed to take a real interest and within an hour had learned to play "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" much to everyone's surprise.
Slade and Candace came out to the campsite later in the morning and we went out on one of the boats in the "club" that Slade joined last year and had lunch.
We parted ways and we were off the Spruce Pine - with some trepedation as to how the RV would handle in the mountains (if it would get up Apple Lane to our house). Clara took over the last part of the trip and drove up the mountain all the way to the house - with no problems.
We stayed at the Mountain House until Tuesday morning, mowing the yard and planting a couple of Mountain Laurel.
The RV seemed extra large when parked at the house.
Tuesday morning we got up early to start our trip to Archbold, Ohio and vist the Lantz's. I had spent some time Monday night trying to pick a place to stop for the night - we didn't want to do a "Lantz" and travel into the night. I picked a campsite out of Woodall's directory near Corinth, KY.
We arrived around 5:00 PM. Following the directions (and GPS), we were getting a little skeptical about our choice. Near the interstate, down a "very" rough paved "path" to Three Rivers Campground. It is a place straight out of the 60's (when, in fact, it opened).
It is quite the place. No one is here except us and a few empty campers (the owner says they come on the weekends). It's all grass except for a couple of concrete tracks for the rear wheels. A creek does run through it, but it doesn't look to appetizing. In Woodall's, they mention horse back riding. The owner says they can, however only three horses - one to young to ride, one to old, but the other is okay.
It is a great place for us. Not a sound but birds chirping. I'm not sure how many people would like it, but we sure do. Much better than a Wal Mart parking lot - and more privacy than anywhere.
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