I revisited a lot of memories, especially when we got the era in which I served on active duty. There was a beautifully restored Vietnam era B-52.
After the stroll down memory lane, we headed North. We planned to meet the Lantz's In Tiffin, OH where Autumn was competing in the semi-finals of the North East Ohio regional track meet.
Autumn is an exceptional runner and has many championships behind her and we were very excited about seeing her compete - and this was our first ever track meet. Autumn did very well, qualifying for the district finals, which we will see on Friday.
On the way, we encountered our first overpass with limited clearance. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to be paying attntion and saw the 11 foot sign and stopped. Later measurements proved this to be a fortuitous happening because the RV is 11'2" high. We avoided a spoiled trip and several thousand dollars of repair. From now on, anything with less than 11'6" clearance is not an option.
We set up in the Lantz's driveway for an exciting and emotional several days.
On Thursday I took the opportunity to go to a YMCA in Bryan, OH for some exercise swimming while Clara helped Dawn get ready for the upcoming events. Friday we went back to Tiffin for the Regional Finals. Again, Autumn qualified and will be going to the state championships next week in the 100 yard run.
Saturday, we worked on helping get ready for the big party on Monday. That evening we went to some of the kin's party for one of their graduating seniors.
Sunday, we went to the Lantz's church for the church's recognition of their graduating Seniors. Then the big event - Autumn's graduation. Autumn is class president and made the welcoming comments. Not only was she this years class president, we found out she has been class president every year of high school.

The Lantz family has a lot to be proud of.
Later that evening we went to Nate's (Autumn's boyfriend) for his graduation party.
Monday, Autumn had her party.
Rain threatened all day, and sure enough about 4 PM it started raining for the party. But it never seemed to interfere with anything. It seemed that well over 300 people dropped by. Quite the event.
By that evening we were all worn out. Tuesday morning, we leave the Lantz RV park for places unknown.
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