Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Anna and Taylor invade Beaufort - Day 7 & 8

Day 7

Mon, June 17

I think we need a day to rest.  And that's what Monday is.  No sailing, no boating, no kayaking - just chillin'.  Madeline spent most of the day with us and we had fun.

Mimi and the girls
Papa and the girls
Anna, Papa and Mimi
Taylor and our little princess, Madeline
The little princess

The BAD LOOKING Muffins!

While we had Madeline, Taylor, Anna and Madeline decided to have a tea party With the new Easy Bake Oven that Madeline got. They made the cookies and were about to have the tea party when they realized that the cookies weren't right.    I wasn't in the room at the time, they just told me the story. 

When I came in I was offered "a delicious cookie" that had just been made.  Ugh!  Unfortunately, I had to swallow it because Madeline was standing right there looking at me. She was the one who told me to eat it, so I couldn't throw it away right in front of her.  So I pretended to eat it, and it disappeared!

Since the cookies ended up bad, they decided to make muffins instead. Well, someone (no one admits to it) forgot to turn on the oven timer. So they ended up burnt, and hard as a rock. Really!  Taylor banged one against the picnic table and it was nowhere close to breaking. As you can tell by the picture they were very very, very, very, very overdone (burned to a crisp). 

Day 8

Tues, Jun 18

Happy Birthday Me!  69 and counting.  This has been a great week to have a birthday.  Having Anna and Taylor has reminded me what it takes to stay young - have young people around to keep you active.  And we've really been active.

The Lantz's (or at least part of them) arrived this morning after an all night drive from Ohio.  On this trip, Wendell, Dawn, Autumn, Dylan, and Dylan's girlfriend, Emily.  So we've got another week of fun and adventure starting.

I was awakened and rewarded this morning by a rousing round of Happy Birthday, with birthday balloons floating around the kitchen and attached to my Fiber One cereal.  Later I found one floating in the toilet, thanks to our little prankster Taylor.

This afternoon, Taylor, Anna and I took a nice kayak trip on Taylors Creek. We got to try out my new WATERPROOF camera. Let me tell ya. It works great, now I don't have to worry about my camera getting wet and being ruined. Yeah!!
The girls had to slow down for the No Wake Zone.

Taylor carries a kayak to the creek

The Birthday Boy!

The girls working their way up-tide

The beauties of Taylor Creek


Tonight the Lantz's had dinner with us and I was once again reminded of my age.

Clara and Taylor making supper

I'm trying to protect myself from the intense heat created by all the candles on the cake!!!
Unfortunately, this is Taylor's last day with us.  We have thoroughly enjoyed having her visit this week - and hope that we can become honorary Grandparents.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Anna and Taylor invade Beaufort - Day 4, 5 & 6

The Girls say Hi!
Fri, June 14

Day 4

We finally get on the sailboat.  Yesterday the winds were way to strong out of the Southwest - up to 40 knots - to go to the Cape.

Last night a cold front went through, the winds shifted to the North and today we have a perfect day to sail.

Looking Out to see what there eyes can see.

We have a great trip out to the Cape and anchor in the bight.  It's rather bouncy most of the afternoon and evening, but we settle in to nice afternoon.

Taylor goes Titanic

Blowin' in the Wind
Papa's stern look, which we don't see very often.  He really isn't stern..
Taylor takes over the helm
Papa and Anna

Dinner looks good! Taylor and Mimi made a amazing dinner for us all. Pork Chops and rice!

Hi Papa! What are you doing?

Whooo hoooo! The girls love jumping off the front of the boat.

Up on the top of the light house! :)

Hey Eureka!

Group shot!  Thanks park ranger for taking our picture.

Whooo its a long way up! 

Taylor:  Its okay everyone I caught the dinghy!
 Somehow the dinghy started floating away while we were about to get in it. Luckily I was watching and dived off and caught the dingy. Yeah! we didn't loose the dingy!

  OK so that was a little of an exaggeration. I was trying to make myself sound all heroic. What actually happened was I UNTIED the dingy and was holding onto it when I decided to go get a pair of shorts. I let go and the dingy started to float away... since I lost it I had to go get it.  So Mimi and Anna were yelling at me to get back up top and get the dingy. I dove in and brought it back where I learned a very valuable lesson, don't untie the dinghy until everyone is on it and you are told to untie it. Oh yeah it was not somehow... I just untied it. I was not watching... I was down below... we were not about to get in... everyone was putting on sunscreen. So yeah... (Note by Taylor)

Oh my gosh! It is a long way down. Hopefully we don't fall off?

TayTay:  Mimi?
Mimi:  Yes?
TayTay:  What's your addiction?
Mimi:  CHEETOS!!!!1

The Cape has a beautiful sunset!

Chilling in the hammock!

We checked out Mimi's Great Grandpa's plaque... her Dad, Grandpa, and Great Grandpa served as Lighthouse Keepers or in the Coast Guard.


Ohhhhh! Ahhhhh! 

Pretty flowers everywhere at the lighthouse!

It's going to be a long way up to the top.

Just so everyone knows little Miss Taylor took over 600 pictures. Thankfully we didn't post them all!
This blog was made by: Taylor and Papa (David) and Anna

Sun June 16

This morning everyone got up and said Happy Fathers day to me.

At 9:30 the Parsley's and our group all went to the Boardwalk Cafe, where the girls ate the place out of food. Then we all came home and chilled outside on the swings.

This is the last day of the Parsley's will be here and Bill and Lincoln had not seen Shackleford, so we loaded up the boat and all 9 of us took off.

The tube as we found out ended up having a small hole in it, thankfully we were still able to have fun on the tube.

The girls took me out for dinner to celebrate Fathers Day,  but strangely I ended up paying for our dinner at Olive Garden. Isn't that strange? It's Father's Day and I'm having to pay.

Tresa and Lincoln go tubing first. We give them a good ride and they didn't fall off.

Building a BEAUTIFUL sandcastle.

We'll miss you Parsley's, Lincoln, Tressa, Bill, Kim and Marin

Marin has her feet stuck in the sand!

Don't flip us Lincoln! Anna, Taylor, and Lincoln ride through the no wake zone in the tube.

Anna is enjoying sitting in the tube.

Marin is a good helper when it comes to putting stuff in the boat so we are ready to go!!

Hey! Look at me.

Are you guys watching the kids while they are tubing?

Everyone is getting into the sandcastle building mood.

Note:  Anna and Taylor have helped write this blog.