Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Overview March to June

Mar - Jun

A few problems at home

On March 6, Dad fell at his home and cracked his right hip.  This was just before our scheduled trip to the Virgin Islands and it was touch and go as to whether we would be able to make the trip.

Dad did well with the surgery and was recovering well, so we were thankfully able to go on the trip, which was a trip of a lifetime.

When we returned, Dad was in rehab, but able to go home, so we took him back to Beaufort with us.  We then had a trip planned to the Arc Light/Young Tiger Reunion in Savannah, Ga.  We were able to arrange for Barbara, his neighbor in Nashville to stay with him in Beaufort for us to go on this trip.

Tony and Jill Pimentel, friends from Wichita, Kansas, also attended the reunion and were able to come back to Beaufort to visit for a week.

From  early May until June we helped nurse Dad back to health, and on June 8, I took him back to his home in Nashville.  Fortunately, Anthony, his grandson is able to stay at home with Dad for the foreseeable future and provide the basic home services that he will need.

I left Dad's on Sunday, June 10, and decided to go to our home in Spruce Pine to check on the house and do some major yard work.  Clara was not able to come on this trip, so this is my first time at our mountain home by myself in a long while.
It has been a delightfully relaxing week of working on the yard.  All the plants, grass and  weeds seem to be on steroids.  It has been a rainy Spring and everything has grown tremendously.  I weeded, put out roundup, cut back the bushes and got things looking great.  The yard is looking the best I can remember.  A lot of flowers, rhododendron and plants are blooming and it is beautiful.

The sun sets over Penland Mountain.  This is as far North as the sun will travel.  Now it's headed back South.

On Thursday night, Bill and Judy Carson and Kit Truby and I went to a new play, "Outlander" at the Parkway Playhouse in Burnsville.

Other than that, it has been a very relaxing week of swimming, reading and relaxing on the mountain.