Thurs, Aug 15
We are back in the US of A. The land where our cell phones, GPS, and the right speeds and distances. It's amazing how much we depend on today's technology - and how much we miss it when we don't have it.
This lighthouse is on the river at the border crossing between the USA and Canada |
We had scoped out the RV parks near Bar Harbor and we picked a nice RV park for the evening. As soon as we settled in, we got in the CRV and headed for town. We had a choice of going to Acadia National Park or shopping. You guessed it! We went shopping.
Bar Harbor |
We are close to Tony and Jill's home, so we called them and we met at the Union River Lobster Pot, one of our favorites. This make the third visit this trip.
Anna is getting acquainted with supper! |
The Girls! |
Anna thinks its cool that Papa has to wear a bib! |
Fri, Aug 16
This morning we have choices to make. The girls want to go back to Kennebunkport and they want to go into Acadia National Park, however, we can't do both and do all the other things down the road that we want to do. They choose shopping in Kennebunkport, about a 4 hour drive South.
On the way, we stop at the Penobscot Narrows Bridge Observatory. It is the only bridge observatory in the US, and one of only four in the world. There are two towers on the 2200 bridge span across the Penobscot River, and one of the towers has an elevator that goes up 420 to a 360 degree panorama of this part of Maine.
This tower of 477 feet high and has an observatory, which is reached by an elevator that is 420 feet above the river
The RV from in the observatory... notice the car blocking us in. |
After another 3+ hour drive, we are settled into a nice RV park in Kennebunkport. The girls take off for the afternoon shopping and I chose to stay at the RV. I've had enough t-shirt shops.
Sat, Aug 17
First, we had to take the drive to where we could see the Bush Family Estate. That's obligatory.
The Bush Estate! |
That is - after Anna decides to get up!
And we had to get pictures at the cut-outs at the RV Park.
Then we are off on the longest of our drives on this trip. The girls have decided that Hershey, Pennsylvania "WILL" be on the trip back. It's not on the bucket list, but the vote is 2 to 1. So we're off on a multi-state run to Hershey.
We drove all the way from Maine to Pennsylvania! We finally end up in the tri-state area, where New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania meet. We're in Pennsylvania parked at a Walmart less than a mile from New York and New Jersey. Tomorrow, Hershey!
Sun, Aug 18
We're tired of driving interstates highways, so this morning we took a scenic drive along the Delaware River in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. There are beautiful waterfalls.
OK... So that's what Papa says... BTW I;m back! I know you know who I'm is! So Papa turned into this gravel road that has a flashing sign saying no Rvs or Buses... clearly he did not read it because we ended up driving through a very intense road with very low branches looking for a place to turn around. We end up at this recreation area and take the 1/2 mile hike to the waterfalls!
So after the falls we get back on the road. On the road Mimi and I did some latch hooking.... we have made some great progress. Finally we arrive at Hershey around 3. Papa goes in a registers us and we head to our campsite. It is a very nice campground but Papa says that there are way to many people.
We decide to head over to Hershey Park. When we get there we were welcomed by tons of people just walking around and it was a bit overwhelming. We finally make it to the Chocolate Factory and get in line for the simulation. It was a lot of fun, very nice simulation of the process and I learned a lot about chocolate.
When we get back to the campground we have dinner and Mimi and I decide to go shopping at the outlets nearby our campground. We did not pay much attention to the day... so when we got to the outlets we were surprised to find them closed... then we realized that it was Sunday.... Oops!
We then took a walk around the campground and settled in for the night.
Tomorrow we will be doing lots of roller coasters at the Hershey park and we will be redoing the chocolate factory to get some good pictures for the blog because Papa forgot the camera! So yeah that's it.
P.S.- This is a message for Tony- guess what... I did not say "like" once!