Fri, Jun 13
Just so you know the cooler blogger is in all italics
It's Friday the 13th
and a full moon, supposedly bad luck. But my luck is good today because Anna is going to Beaufort with me. I pick her up at her Dad's office in Raleigh and we go by to see my Dad for a few minutes and wish him a Happy Fathers Day because we won't be able to be with him on Sunday.
OK Papa's blog readers guess who's back!
Anna teaches Grandpa what a "selfie" is or as Howie from AGT would describe it, an us-ie |
Grandpa had no clue what I was doing but when I showed him the picture he was cracking up. Or however much you can crack up at 98. ;)
Riding with Anna for 4 hours in a car can get real "interesting", when she's not singing, she's screaming, when she's not screaming, she's laughing, when she's not laughing, she's talking, etc., etc., etc. I did not have a problem staying awake.
^^^That is probably the most accurate description of the car ride Papa has told yet. You see, it was 4 hours in a 2 by 2 ft square, who wouldn't go crazy?
Tonight we went out to dinner with our Friday night crew at a new restaurant on Town Creek. Unfortunately, that didn't turn out well - the service was terrible. So we had a drink and ended up at Finz in downtown.
It was not 'ended up' we chose to go to Finz and it was DELICIOUS!
Sat, Jun 14
The girls take off before I get up to bicycle downtown for breakfast and I went to workout and swim. When I returned, they had a boat trip planned with Clara's friend and her 14 year-old granddaughter.
Ok. We were up well before Papa. I got up at 6:30 (I know still kinda on school schedule) and went for a run, came back, showered and biked down to the boardwalk for breakfast with Mimi before Papa was even thinking about getting up.
We hit the water for a great day on Shackleford.
Late this afternoon, we got a call from Hilda and Danny to meet them for dinner. Before I know what's happened, we end up with most of the neighborhood meeting for dinner at Spouters Inn.
Johnb, Jay, Danny, Hilda, Clara., Anna, Dave, Madelyn, Jean, Rob, Tiffany
Notice my new shirt- I got it at the General Store in case you were wondering. |
Madeline and Anna having fun downtown |
Sun, Jun 15
Fathers Day and the I have a great treat. The girls go out with me on Eureka for a great day of sailing.
Yeah, we're going sailing! |
I was like (I included the extra like in there for you Tony) REALLY excited about going sailing and wearing Papa's doohigey or whatever it is called.
It's really fun to watch Anna as she begins to understand how to sail a "big" boat. Although she has been sailing on Eureka many times, today is the first time she really gets a chance to really sail it. And she does an incredible job learning how to use all the lines, steer by compass heading and by visual reference, remembering all the knots. Before the end of the day, she is quite at ease with the whole thing.
Like to the point where I could steer with my foot!!!
qt The new kid language for cute in case you guys were wondering |
However, when she initially gets on the helm, we're in crowded waters, with a strong wind and going through the inlet. For a few minutes, I think she wanted to panic. But she got through it and in a little while we're in the ocean heeled over 40 degrees and she's loving it.
Uh, of course I wanted to panic I'm there in a 32 ft boat with not very much control learning how to sail it. Yeah Papa no worries here. Just for the record Papa would not take the helm because he said being scared and struggling through it 'builds character'
I cant figure out how to delete pictures so I'm just gonna say thank you so much Papa for those very flattering pictures. BTW (kid language for by the way) I am asking for a voice operated wheel if any of you guys have one. The wheel did not respond when I resorted to yelling at it.
We sailed in a 15-20 knot East wind, tacking to the Cape, then run downwind back to the inlet for a smooth ride.
OK- maybe I did not sail the whole time... It was pretty exhausting.
It could not have been a better day for confidence building.
My Girls! |
Notice the daredevil in me as I have 1 leg over the railing thingy. Or as Papa calls it a 'safety line' or whatever.