Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Ode to the Anchor

By Anna Inscoe  July, 2014

It amazes me 
The size of a sailboat and that of an anchor
How can something so small 
stop something so big?
The current and the wind push the boat 
Yet it does not move
The anchor holds it back
Now think
Are we the sailboats
And what are our anchors
What holds us back
And keeps us from moving?
One of my anchors is a fear of judgement
Cause what if i'm not good enough
So why even try?
What is holding you back?
Your friends?
The Influences surrounding you?
You name it and I bet you it's someone's anchor
Why do we do this to ourselves
I want wind
Something to push me to be better
Jesus can lead me
I want the Holy Spirit to put the wind in my sail and fill me up 
I want to always return to God
And use His teachings as my map
I want people to know I'm Christian
Because of how I act 
How I treat others
I don't want anchors to hold me back
I want sails
Ready to be filled with wind

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