Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Taos, New Mexico

Saturday, October 1

We finally left Durango after a week.  Durango is a wonderful place and I'm sure we will return.  Besides being a great place, Chuck and Cheryl made it very special for us.

The drive to Taos is about 4.5 hours, and it's across the high plains and desert.  After having spent time looking at the mountains in Colorado, it's hard to get excited about "just mountains", but it was a pretty drive.  And desolate country!

We arrived late afternoon in Taos, and immediately proceeded to get thoroughly confused.  We ended up winding through some residential areas before finally finding the Visitors Center.  From there we proceeded to their recommended RV park (We had not had Internet service all day, so I had not had a chance to do any planning). 

We went to the recommended site and they were full.  We eventually ended up in a not so desirable park.  We just parked, had a drink and crashed.  It was a long day.

Sunday morning we drove the RV to the Historic District early so as to be able to find a parking spot for it. 

There were three different events going on in the little town and we enjoyed all three.  The "big event" was the Wool Festival, where everything you can imagine about "sheered animals" was for sale.  It was really interesting to watch the actual sheering of sheep.  It was something we don't see in NC.



The Arts and Crafts Show was neat, with some unusual (to us) items and where we did buy a couple of items.
Clara with the artist and her new wooden treasure.
The third show was an Art Show, which we briefly visited.

We had a great lunch at a "genuine" Mexican restaurant.  This was our first taste of genuine Mexican food in an atmosphere that was truly Southwestern.

This is our first introduction to the Mexican influence in architecture and culture. 

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