After a rainy night at the KOA campground, we started slowly, eventually catching the 11:30 AM ferry to Mackinac, Island.
We finally found out why some places (Mackicaw City) are named with the AW on the end and others are (Mackanac Island) are named with an AC on the end. They are both pronounced the same way, but the past French influence, in which the C and Mackanac is silent, therefore sounds like AW. They both sound the same. Somewhat like BoFort NC and BuFort SC. Although they're spelled the same and pronounced different. So much for a lesson in enunciation.
After about a 20 minute ferry ride from Mackanaw City, we arrived at Mackinac Island. It is tourist and resort destination, with lots of history, lots of t-shirt shots, lots of fudge (for some reason we never figured out), and LOTS of horses. There are NO motorized vehicles on the island (except for a police car, ambulance, and fire truck, which are hidden). EVERYTHING (even UPS) moves by horse or bicycle.
We decided before we left that we would not take bikes, but opted to take a narrated horsedrawn carriage ride so as to learn about the place and see it in short order.
Having never done this before, we scrambled to get the best seats - right up front. However, we forgot a fundamental part of riding "behind" a horse.
It was an interesting day. Mackanac Island is unique in many respects, but in some ways just like any other tourist destination.
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